Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just what the Hell is the SPP? and why I need to make a reappearance. Or speak my mind before my tongue shrivels up!

Herrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss J Bomber!

Well I'm back after losing faith, face, my mind, and anything else that can be ripped from your bosom in times of prosperity and poverty.

Long story. Much too long. If you know me..I've been away from what my normal way of understanding and relating to the world has been since 2000.

I've been gone since Feburary 2006. That's a long time. But, I'm back. Mostly because I found out that when I do not express myself openly and often I get sick.

Physically ill. Some call it manifestation. My acupuncturist calls it a bacterial infection in my throat that has spread to the most vulnerable and the most crucial parts of my body. My joints. All day long. Every day. Throbbing and stiffness in most of my joints.

Funny. Most people are just waking up to the fact that most joint ailments are Auto Immune breakdowns. The body attacking itself to protect itself. Gives new meaning to "cut off ones nose to spite ones face".

My body has had enough of my inability to express myself. It's gonna do away with itself unless I begin to use it!

Shit! It can really be humbling to be confronted by the natural evolution of an organism.

I'm an ORGANISM!! Like any other dog or flea or spore. Survival comes through experience not observation.

Damn Television is trying to Kill me!!!

Enslave me then Kill me!!

...End of Digression...

So have you heard the one about "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America"?

It' snot funny! Really. Really not funny.

Have a look...I just fell into this rabbit hole. Crazy stuff.

Keep in mind NAFTA is the gateway.

After you check out the Company's(Governments) version have a read of this document I found here.

I'll have more comments to follow.

Stay strong,

J Bomber


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